I was some silly that i said to u "Merry Xmas." (Last new year the Xmas hat was a misunderstanding for me...)
So this year i didn't write any Xmas card. No party no celebration. But we talked as usually.
Thursday morning I took the luxurious bus (cuz each person has a monitor to watch what movie u want or listen to songs u like.) to Chaiyi. (Compared to the back one, ya, it's really comfortable. At least it's not shaking so much.)
I arrived at noon. And Miss Betty drove me to my favorite hot pot store in Mingxiong. (The hemlet I wore is really a watermelon rind... )
終於吃到我懷念許久的麻油雞火鍋。(雖然小漲一點) 但美味程度完全不減啊~~以後吃不到怎麼辦
Finally I ate the Mayouji hot pot that i've been missing so much.( even the price is raised) But it still taste so delicious~~ how sad it is if i cannot eat it again?
傳說中的豪華雙人床大房間果然名不虛傳(是我房間的近四倍大 囧)
The luxurious double bed room is really well supported by fact.( It's about four times larger than mine.)
At night i had dinner with Miss Angela, we had hot pot again but it's in Chaiyi City. Just, this was first time that i had hot pot in such a hurry and hare-pressed. Because sometimes the fire is big enough to scorch the food, but sometimes it put out so fast. No wonder seldom people can cook all the food in the plate. But my pumpkin hot pot is really delicious!
We both enjoyed in our talking so we forgot the time. Taking some pics with the Xmas tree by ourselves, we rode back to Zhungzheng fast, but i almost became a ice bar cuz the sweater is not good for keeping warm.
在槍與玫瑰家聚不是一個太好的選擇。因為那天是暢飲日很貴,酒很難喝,音樂很吵,又有人抽菸。雖然我們玩西巴豆啊和21點玩得很開心(莊家的運氣也太好了吧!) 總共喝了兩瓶啤酒和兩小杯調酒(真的很難喝)。
It's not a good choice to have the family reunion at Gun&Rose. Because that day was drink free for one price (expensive), the wine was awful, the music was too loud, and there were some assholes smoking. Though we had fun when playing two little gambles.( The banker was really lucky!) I drank totally two bottles of beer and two small galsses of cocktail (it was so terrible taste.)
Then a driver who wass not drank yet took me to the next party. Small yellow light and repeated country soap opera, snack and cookies were on the ground, the wine and some different flavors of soda, there were two women sitting covered with the quilt or towel has been a little drank.
My mind was clear but my body was some tired. The special sour and sweet cookie kazkaz or kalika was delicious. Lie on the ground with the elgant pose is comfortable. I could stay too long cuz there's someone wait me to go back for talking.
It's really comfortable to take a hot bath. Talking a while then i felt so sleepy, and it's three oclock in the morning already. Lie on the bed soon i fell asleep, but the feeling was so strange that i couldn't move my body at all.
I don't know i was a good sheep that night or not, haha.
The next day I woke up earlier. Kind Miss Duo drove me to take the bus back to Taipei. And we bought delicious breakfast. But even the price of the bus ticket was cheap, it's not comfortable. In the middle we stopped at Taichung for a while. I went out of the bus to the bathroom. How i wish i could just go home then. Then on the way, i tried to take a nap. However it's hard to have a nice sleep on the bus. So i got car sick and headache. After i arrived my lovely dorm, i fell asleep right away.
It's so nice to meet with old friends, especially in the familiar surrounding.
Thank all the good friends who host me!
Even we are far away, but i always have u in my heart.
I'm lucky to have u sweet and kind friends.